
Health NZ and Maori Health Authority Board appointments

15 March 2022
1.05 Min Read

Health NZ and Maori Health Authority Board appointmentsMain Image

The Māori Health Authority will also work alongside the Ministry of Health in developing strategies and policies that work for Māori.

The Government has said that a major goal of the reforms is more equitable healthcare and outcomes. Associate Health Minister Peeni Henare says this marks a significant milestone in progress towards a more equitable health system and has described the Māori Health Authority as a gamechanger in improving services for Māori.

Health New Zealand will be the country’s biggest employer, bringing together the country’s 20 DHBs, a workforce of about 80,000, an annual operating budget of $20 billion and an asset base of about $24 billion.

The appointment process was focused on ensuring the appropriate mix of skills and experience to drive these entities forward at a governance level.

The Health Reform Transition Unit, set up within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, managed the appointment process in partnership with a steering group led by Tā Mason Durie to provide advice and guidance in selecting the boards.

Details of those appointed to the boards here.The Transition Unit has launched a new website dedicated to the reform of the health system in Aotearoa New Zealand. The website includes all the background to the health reform, news and updates, information targeted to the health sector workforce, and opportunities to participate and engage in the reforms.