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The NZSA develops submissions in response to policy and legislative consultations on a wide range of issues affecting the anaesthestics specialty and the wider health sector.

Key advocacy issues in 2025

The NZSA will be seeking opportunities to build connections and develop engagement with the Minister of Health to continue conversations on issues most pertinent to our specialty. Key focus in our advocacy work in 2025 will include:

Representing our Specialty. Anaesthesia plays a pivotal role in the perioperative process and the NZSA will focus on advocating for greater recognition of the importance of anaesthesia in healthcare delivery. To raise awareness of the vital role anaesthetists play in ensuring patient safety and positive surgical outcomes. Aiming to play a constructive role by increasing visibility and seeking anaesthesia representation in important hui where decisions are made.

Health workforce and wellbeing. The NZSA will continue its advocacy in seeking positive action from the Government and national health agencies towards valuing and looking after our existing healthcare workforce. To prioritise the wellbeing of the health workforce and address workforce shortages.

Climate Change and sustainable healthcare. We support lowering New Zealand’s carbon footprint with a lens towards the contributions of healthcare and anaesthesia. Our Environmental and Sustainability Network drives our work on sustainable healthcare and climate change advocacy. Anaesthesia in New Zealand has come a long way in reducing our carbon footprint, particularly in addressing the use of potent greenhouse gases. But we do not stop there, with new projects on the horizon to continue to build on previous work towards making a positive contribution to Aotearoa’s environment.

Private Practice. Private healthcare plays an essential role in Aotearoa New Zealand, assisting to cover needs our public system may be unable to. The NZSA holds regular meetings with contract providers such as Southern Cross and ACC to discuss areas of concern for our members working in private practice.

Assistant to the Anaesthetist. As Anaesthetists, we play a crucial role in supporting our anaesthetic assistant workforce. The NZSA has a close relationship with the New Zealand Anaesthetic Technicians’ Society and has taken part in numerous hui and consultations in recent years working towards long-term solutions to help strengthen our anaesthesia workforce.

Access to pain services. The impact and burden of pain on our population is underestimated and undervalued. The consequences of this could be wide-reaching for the population of Aotearoa New Zealand. The NZSA will continue to advocate for equitable and prioritised pain services for all of our population.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi ensures alignment between Te Tiriti and our core values as an organisation.

Global Partnerships. The NZSA have strong international relationships and ties allowing us to advocate for our anaesthesia community on the global stage. Through our global partnerships, the NZSA actively participates in developing safe anaesthesia worldwide.

View previous submissions

ANZCA: PG45 Rights to Pain Management – February 2025