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End-of-Life Choice Act

End of Life Choice Act Resources

This NZSA provides information and resources to support our members in relation to the End-of-Life Choice Act implementation. An assisted dying service was introduced in New Zealand on 7th November 2021.

SCENZ list

Application and general information for the list held by Support and Consultation for End of Life in New Zealand (SCENZ) Group are available on the Ministry of Health’s website. These are lists of health professionals who are willing to provide assisted dying services.

The lists are held securely by the Ministry of Health. The SCENZ Group works with the team of clinical advisors at Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health’s Assisted Dying Secretariat to connect eligible people with practitioners.

Practitioners providing assisted dying services are supported by the Assisted Dying Secretariat from the Ministry of Health. There are also opportunities to join peer networks with other practitioners involved in the assisted dying service.

If you are interested in applying to this list please visit the Ministry of Health Manatū Hauroa website.

Information and training for health professionals

Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora provides comprehensive information for health professionals and patients. Training is available on the Ministry of Health’s LearnOnline platform to support understanding of the legal obligations and duty of care to the person.

Funding for providing assisted dying services

The Assisted Dying Services Notice 2021 sets out the service specifications and payment rules for remuneration of medical and nurse practitioners providing assisted dying services. The Notice sets our five main modules with a fixed price payment that can be claimed, based on the estimated number of hours involved for the services. The Assisted Dying Section 88 Notice User Guide explains the modules and claim process. To find out more about Assisted Dying funding and payments visit the Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora’s website.

Need support or have questions?

The Assisted Dying Service team at Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora is the central point of contact for all public and sector enquires about assisted dying services.

Contact the Assisted Dying Service team at Health New Zealand:
Phone 0800 223 852