The Alan Merry Oration was launched at the Aotearoa NZ Anaesthesia ASM and joint AQUA event in 2019 in honour of Professor Alan Merry’s towering contribution to anaesthesia and the field of safety and quality in anaesthesia.
Professor Alan Merry was the Foundation Chair of the Board of the NZ Health Quality and Safety Commission, is the former Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland, and has been the Anaesthesia lead on the WHO surgical checklist. He is one of the founders of Lifebox, and led the Medical Manslaughter Campaign where he played a fundamental role in getting manslaughter taken off the books for doctors, with the NZ Medical Law Reform Group and the Crimes Amendment Act of 1997. Alan is an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, awarded in 2009 for services to medicine, in particular anaesthesia.